Category Archives: Disaster Recovery
How to rethink your backup strategy
One of the things that were drilled into my head when I was starting out in my IT career was the backup philosophy of 3-2-1.
Q&A Monday: Data Center Tiers
Question: I am a small business owner looking to go with a cloud provider for our IT services. Each of the vendors mentions their data center level, and I’ve tried doing research to figure out what these levels mean, but I can’t find anything describing them in plain English, can you help? Vickie Downs Watertown,…
Disaster Recovery: Starting a Simple DR Plan
I’m starting a new series on Disaster Recovery that will hopefully run on Fridays for a bit. Not many companies will even think that they need a plan like this, until a disaster hits and then it’s too late. In this installment I’ll start you on the thought process and how to go about writing…