Category Archives: Network Administration

Q&A Monday: To Anti-Virus or Not to Anti-Virus, that is the question!
Question: I will be in the process of renewing my AntiVirus software at the end of this month, I’m currently using Norton, should I stay with them or should I go to another software company for my AntiVirus? Marcela NowickiCanyonville, OR Answer: I love this question, for the fact that no matter how I answer…

How to Improve your enterprise E-mail Security
One of the things that I’ve noticed during my time is that phishing emails, ebb and flow like the waves of the ocean. It seems like nothing significant for a few weeks, then the flood gates open and a bunch all come in a short period of time. The security, mail and support teams get…

Q&A Monday: Starting a Cyber Security Program
I work for a small company and my boss recently tasked me to start to strengthen our defenses against a cyber attack, but I’m not a security expert, whats the best way to plan this out before I get started?
Q&A Monday: Security Question Safety?
Question: With all the talk about making a password secure, I noticed that someone with enough knowledge of me would be able to reset my password using the security questions. These questions are similar across almost every site that I visit and a friend or determined enough hacker could easily guess the answers, any idea on…
Q&A Monday: How DHCP Works
Question: Please don’t laugh at me, but I’ve wondered how my computer gets an IP address from my router? Renee Newcomb Ferndale, WA Answer: I love questions like these, every computer, tablet, phone or laptop gets an IP address when connected to the internet, but rarely do we think of the process that takes place….
Q&A Monday: requested session access is denied
Question: I have a user who is trying to connect to a RDS host (2008 R2 ), They are getting the error message “requested session access is denied”. I checked and made sure the user is member of the local remote desktop user group and they have the permission “Allow logon via Remote desktop services” is…
Simple Tips to a Secure Password
For many of us out there creating a secure password isn’t always easy, it’s hard to memorize one of those complex passwords (i.e. @<6v’)T[~5). I want to give you some good tips (and things to avoid) in order to make your password more secure. The most common thing people do, and I was once guilty…
How to elevate RSAT shortcuts
Companies out there, should not have their IT staff account with Administrator access for everyday work. Yet IT staff generally will complain (I’m guilty of it) when they need do some administrative work. Now to make an administrators work easier (while following best practices) you give the IT staff user accounts and use another account…
Q&A Monday: 64 bit Print Driver on 32 Bit System
Is it not possible to install an x64 version of a printer driver on a x86 server?
Importance of Security Awareness
Whether you know it or not, companies spends millions of dollars trying to make their network safe from hackers. Billions of dollars and a lot of lost time are the cost that companies have to share when their systems are breached. The problem becomes that most companies only address half of the solution, you can pour…