Category Archives: IT Strategy

Mastering the Art of Communicating Your Security Success
While there is great value in the work that security professionals do every day, but communicating that success is key to helping build knowledge about what and how your program is doing. However, demonstrating the effectiveness of your cyber security measures to stakeholders—be they executives, employees, or clients—can be challenging. Here’s some thoughts on effectively…

Helping Your Users Stay Safe Online Helps to Keep the Office From Catching Fire (You Know…Metaphorically Speaking)
I have rarely seen any Cyber Security Awareness Training at any company, explaining how I can take care of my assets, how I can avoid falling for scams or other things to help my browsing online. Now for me, that’s not a problem, I’ve been in IT and Information Security my whole life, and I’m cautious when I’m online at home or work, but I want to talk about why I would like that to change. Why training employees to be more suspicious online, can and will help them to be better at work.

What makes a good leader
Yesterday in the office, I got to have a great conversation with some of my colleagues. It started around the Crowdstrike incident and then somehow morphed into my leadership philosophy (I don’t remember how), but thought it would be good to share some of what I think makes a good leader (and I try to…

Rise of the BISO and what it says about IT Security
I have to admit, until very recently, I have never heard of a BISO (Business Information Security Officer), and the first time I came across this title, I was a little confused. I at first thought that it had something to do with physical security or maybe keeping business’ financially secure…and I was wrong. If…
Auditing Standard: A Starting Line not a Finish Line
In one of the many groups I belong to, someone had asked how much do standards really help a company. My answer, as much as I wanted to be, wasn’t straight-forward. I uttered a, “It depends…” I went on to explain the same thing I will here, the nuances of my thoughts.
Protect the Executives
For years, I’ve advocated spending extra attention to accounts on a network that once compromised, can cause devastation to the environment. Depending on what industry your work in, these are Executives, VIPs, Politicians, or even the C-Suite, whatever you call them, these are accounts, you may not have considered dangerous, but they can be. The…
Leading Remotely…Making better Leaders
Most businesses are switching to either a remote or hybrid model to help employees in these pandemic times, and employees are loving the freedom in which it brings. I’ve seen more than a couple managers struggle with this change

How to Improve your enterprise E-mail Security
One of the things that I’ve noticed during my time is that phishing emails, ebb and flow like the waves of the ocean. It seems like nothing significant for a few weeks, then the flood gates open and a bunch all come in a short period of time. The security, mail and support teams get…
Virtualization Planning
When deciding you need to virtualize your network there are some things you need to consider prior to doing so.