Tag Archives: Disaster Recovery

How to rethink your backup strategy
One of the things that were drilled into my head when I was starting out in my IT career was the backup philosophy of 3-2-1.
Disaster Recovery: Starting a Simple DR Plan
I’m starting a new series on Disaster Recovery that will hopefully run on Fridays for a bit. Not many companies will even think that they need a plan like this, until a disaster hits and then it’s too late. In this installment I’ll start you on the thought process and how to go about writing…
Backups: Tape vs. Replication
I’ve been asked this question enough since this site started, so I’ve finally decided to take the time and write the article. What are my thoughts on the relatively new debate on Tape Backus versus replicating the data off-site. You’ll find many people taking up sides in this debate, but in my opinion no one…
Virtualized Domain Controllers
I got a call yesterday from my old job, it was the software specialist who was having problems with the VMWare 3.51 server which I installed a couple of months before I left. Though by the time I was able to get a break and call them back, but it got me thinking about my…