Tag Archives: IT Managment
Bad Manager Behaviors
This week I started thinking about the bad managment behaviors that could quickly kill the moral of your workers. Luckily, I’ve dodged this bullet and havn’t had any horrible managers, but have seen my share of them and the havoc they bring on their teams. Some of these problems can be worked on and corrected and…
System Admin’s Vacation Checklist
Now that we are officially in summer, there are a lot of administrators that are planning their vacation. The problem is that many of them will have to still be tethered to the office solving problems. I’ve been in that situation, where while on vacation, I’ve gotten the phone call about a small problem that…
IT Manager: How to Motivate your Employees
A while ago I had heard the fact that 85% of people in the work force today are either unhappy with their job or completely hate their jobs. One of the first things Most managers will tell you that an unhappy employee can cause havoc on their productivity. In IT you can run into even…