Tag Archives: Windows 2000
Top 5: Most overlooked configuration items
No matter how prepared and how well documented the network is, sometimes techs forget some basic configurations sometimes. It’s never intentional, but sometimes there are small configurations that we just need to double check. Below is a list of some things that I’ve seen (and have) forgotten to double check when doing a project. Subnets…
Support For Windows XP SP2 and 2000 will end soon!
If you haven’t updated to Windows XP Service Pack 3, you should really look into that prior to July 13th 2010, if you ever want help from Microsoft. After July 13th 2010, Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP Sp2 as well as Windows 2000 Operating Systems. Though Microsoft hasn’t given any indication of…
Microsoft Patch Tuesday: May 11th 2010
On Tuesday May 11th Microsoft released another round of updates for the Windows Operating System. Here’s what they are and what they do: SECURITY UPDATES: Update: MS10-030/KB978542 Type: Critical Affected Systems: XP, 7, 2003, 3008, 2008 R2, Outlook Express 5.5 and 6.0 for 2000 What it does: Outlook Express, Windows Mail, and Windows Live Mail…
Windows Printer Pooling
You may run into a situation where you need to pool a bunch of printers together and have the jobs printed to them spread out amongst different printers. One example is if you company prints a bunch of reports on a regular basis. Printing to just one printer (depending on the size of your…