Tag Archives: Windows 7

Q&A Monday: To Anti-Virus or Not to Anti-Virus, that is the question!
Question: I will be in the process of renewing my AntiVirus software at the end of this month, I’m currently using Norton, should I stay with them or should I go to another software company for my AntiVirus? Marcela NowickiCanyonville, OR Answer: I love this question, for the fact that no matter how I answer…
Q&A Monday: Removing the Windows.old directory
Question: I was having some issue with my computer, so I went to reinstall the Windows 7 , onto my computer. After the installation was complete, I noticed I have a C:\windows.old that takes up a large amount on my computer. I’ve tried highlighting and hitting delete, but it’s not letting me remove it. Jeanne…
How to elevate RSAT shortcuts
Companies out there, should not have their IT staff account with Administrator access for everyday work. Yet IT staff generally will complain (I’m guilty of it) when they need do some administrative work. Now to make an administrators work easier (while following best practices) you give the IT staff user accounts and use another account…
Q&A Monday: hiberfil.sys and deleting it
Question: Jim, While doing some spring cleaning on my computer, I’ve come across a file in C: drive called hiberfil.sys file. When I try to delete the file it wont let me, how do I get rid of hiberfil.sys? Craig Ridgeway Kenosha, WI Answer: The first thing we need to discuss, is what exactly is that…
Q&A Monday: Mapping admin C$ Share on Windows 7
Question: On my Windows XP machines I am able to use \\hostname\C$ to map to the C drive on that computer, but when I try it with my new Windows 7 machines, I can’t get it to map. Answer: This isn’t just a Windows 7 issue, this issue also occurred on Windows Vista machines as well. This…
Q&A Monday: Windows 7 Hide Accounts from Welcome Menu
Question: We are deploying Windows 7 machines to users that are not the domain, and I want to add some accounts for administration to the machine, but I only want the users to be give the option of seeing the one account they are going to use. Is there any way to hide the other…
SysPrep a Windows 7 Upgraded Machine
When working in any kind of company, I love imaging computers. When there is a problem with a machine you can quickly blow down the company image and get the computer or laptop back to the user as quickly as possible. Recently when working on a Windows 7 image that I had inherited from a…
Q&A Monday: Event Viewer Problems in Server 2008
Question: I have a Windows Server 2008 64Bit Standard and I am having problems getting the Event Viewer to display on the server. When I click on the Event Viewer, I get the following Error Message – Event Log Service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running. I went into the Windows services and…
RE: Windows 7 FTP Server
Question Re: Blog Post: Windows 7 FTP Server The setup is helpful, but can you expand upon this with assistance on how to create a user and then set up access to a specific folder? I can’t seem to get this to work at all… and I thought I was pretty computer-savy. The new windows…
XP Mode “Virtual Windows XP could not be restored”
I recently ran into a weird problem with my Windows XP mode program in Windows 7. While trying to turn on the virtual machine, I kept getting a pop up with the following error: “windows xp mode could not be restored because of either host processor type mismatch” Regardless of what I tried to do, I…