Category Archives: Smart Phones
Mobile: Apps vs Mobile Web
I’ve been asked many times where I think the future in the smart phone market is, either applications or site designed for mobile web? Now I think it’s funny that since I am in the IT field, I should know (or at least have thought on) the mobile market. But since I try to answer…
Security Update: Blackberry Enterprise Software
Blackberry has announced that there is a vulnerability on their Blackberry Enterprise Server product and have released a patch to fix the vulnerability. RIM (the maker of the blackberry) has released the patch for what they are calling a high risk vulnerability and being that it is being classified as “high risk”, it is recommended…
Top 5: Chrome Extensions you should have!
Very recently, I’ve been sucked into using Google’s browser Chrome. I remember trying it out when it was first launched and wasn’t really impressed with it then. Like so many things, with experience comes knowledge and I’ve now come to love the browser, though it’s not exclusive at this point, and have heard similar stories…
5 Blackberry Apps for Small Businesses
The blackberry you may have in your hand does more that just e-mail, and it can be used to help you run your small business. We’ve all heard that the android and apple phone’s had apps, and hear very little about the Blackberry Apps. So I wanted to give the small business owners some…
AT&T raises smartphone early termination fee to $325
In a desperate attempt to keep users with them, AT&T announce a couple of days ago that they are upping the smartphone early terminiation free from $175 to$325 starting on June 1st 2010. I wonder if this could have anything to do with AT&T’s exclusive contract with Apple’s iPhone expiring and the rumors of the…