Category Archives: Information Security
Upgrade BackTrack 5 R1 to the new R2
If you are anything like me, you hate to wait for things and here’s a time you can get the information before the release. BackTrack R2 will be released on March 1st 2012, but there are directions to make all the upgrades today, all you need to do is follow the directions below, and you’ll…
WARNING: Facebook Malware Attack
A Facebook phishing attack is on the loose this weekend. The attack attempts to steal your Facebook login credentials, install malware on your computer, and even get your home address. The attack is spread via a “hilarious video” posted to Facebook walls, via a report on WebSense, when the wall post is clicked, a form…
Facebook and Others Sending you Data!
The Wall Street Journal had an article, that reported that Facebook and several other popular social media sites were sending information to their advertisers when you click on an ad. This information could help companies find your name or other personal information without your consent…despite claiming they don’t do that without your consent.The sites participating…
Q&A Monday: Hard Drive Wipe
Question: At my company we are throwing out a bunch of older computers, and I want to make sure that all the data on the computer and servers are completely non recoverable, is there an easy way to do this?Answer: I’ve seen two major approaches to this kind of problem. One of them is the…